21 December 2008

Not Long Now

The stars are hard and clear and bright against the vast black depths of the frozen night sky. A silence crawls over the landscape. A stillness. Everything hunkers down in burrow and den, in living room and bedroom, in cave and crevice. It is the longest night of the year and we wait for the coming of the dawn, for the return of the light, for the warmth spring brings.

We here at ATKE are no exception. We thank those who've sent in recent submissions, and we apologize for the length of time in response. We've not forgotten, we're just fighting off the cold days and nights, and our little online world has slipped into the briefest of slumbers during these waning days of 2008, the Year Everything Changed tm. But we'll be back very soon, with all new content and new voices, some new photos, a series of Interviews with The Padre and much, much more.

Stay tuned.

The Editors


H. said...

Honestly: We've been drunk since the election! & then, when we sobered up, we realized the wait until Jan 20th, 2009 would be (& has been) excrutiating.

Agree? Disagree? Write something funny & true & send it to us...

Jeff Fleming said...

You're using "I was drunk" as a reason why you haven't written/posted anything in over two months?
Drunken ranting is the best kind of ranting. I love the way you can watch it slowly (or quickly) lose it's grip with reality and then slowly reel it back in.
You guys really missed the boat.
Next time I'm in the right state, I'll write you guys a good drunken rant.

j.b said...

that might actually be a great feature of ATKE, the drunken rant. obviously, it's hard to prove what was written was actually done while drunk...and depending on the level of drunkeness it could quickly devolve into gibberish, but if done right it could be quite entertaining.